Legal Information For Everyone

Companies / Organizations

HR directors or other personnel coordinators can arrange for classes based on their needs.


Classes will be filled on a first come first
served basis with reservations.

Ignorance is bliss but it is no defense under the law
  • Thousands of people go through the court systems in New York each day and many have no idea who how they ended up there or what to expect. This is why Legal Information For Everyone was created.

  • Legal Information For Everyone came about after years of seeing reasonable, educated people in court and watching them slowly come to the realization that a small change in their behavior and a little knowledge would have prevented them from dealing with a largely negative outcome in the court system.
  • From small workplaces to large corporations, employee stress from going to court cost employers in loss of productivity. Between lost work time, distraction and lagging behind coworkers, employers feel the pinch right along with their employees.
  • LIFE is here to help you avoid the stress and difficulties associated with going to court for divorce, custody, criminal and other matters. We make you aware of what to expect, what to avoid and how to keep yourself from getting in the situations you most fear before they happen. Let us arm you with knowledge.




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